My friend and I were out taking photos earlier today. I live on the outskirt of a small village, and the house is close to a river and a lot of flowers and stuff, so it's a good place for taking photos!
We tried going down to the river, but there was too much water to wade out anywhere nice. The bushes had also grown A LOT since last time, so it was hard finding the path. Not to mention the heavy rain a few days ago caused a minor land-slide caused the path down to become insanely steep. We were only wearing flip flops and shorts, so we didn't dare go down in case we got cuts or something.
Oh, and we went up to the barn (basically a storage house the size of 2 houses) and took some random photos. The place is, I don't know,
really old. It's from atleast the 1920s. The houses where we live have been used as slaughter houses and a store.
Taking photos of old places is so fun. I found some dried flowers in a vase that looked really pretty, and a really old picture of my house. It's sepia coloured, so yeah, old! Hahaha. And it's majorly over exposed... so, that means it's old, right? Hahaha, trying to encourage myself in my hunt for old things.
All of a sudden my friend went "Hey, what's this? It's looks cool". I was in my own head, studying that old picture and the frame, and just mumbled "Hm, what is it?"
"Oh I don't know. It's like some kind of casing. Looks like something for an old camera."
That made me interested. She came to me and showed me a picture, and I was like "Yeah, that looks like a leather casing." She showed me where it was and I took it down from where it was hanging. It was on a nail stuck under a few bamboo sticks.
We sat down by the nearby table and opened the casing (wich was kind of tricky). When I first saw it I was like "what, this can't be a camera?"
It had something that looked like two lenses, like binoculars. I took of the protection and tried looking into them (HAHAHAHAA oh my..), but didn't see shit! After a while we realized it was
an old double-lensed camera... I continued poking it until I realised what everything was. We found a little "lever" for the aperture (and I was amazed by sliding it back and forth, looking into the lens HAHAHA). We also found where you made the picture, uh, more "sharp". I've lost the english word for it! Oh, and we found where to put film and how to rotate it! (Major geek gasp!)
After about.. 20 minutes and a google search, we found out how to put it and how to use it. Of course, we had no film for it, but that was fine. We could still see the picture "inside" the camera when we tried. It was AWESOME! It was like so clear! I want to try and take pictures with it ugh!
My friend and I got super excited over this. Hahaha, no one shares our amusement!
Dang it.
Anyways; The camera is a
Crystar 25 from 1953-54. We don't know who's it is, so I left it where I found it. (But we cleaned it up and put everything back together of course.) I'm gonna google around a bit more to see if anyone knows anything about this camera, how it came to sweden, how common it was, how much it would be worth now. TEE HEE this makes me
so excited.
Also, we took loads of pictures of the camera and everything we did today, but it's like 2AM right now, so I don't want to start on that now. Tomorrow!
This is how the camera looks. Not my picture.